Our physiotherapists can assist you with:
- Back pain, disc bulges and sciatica
- Neck pain and whiplash
- Shoulder Pain, Rotator cuff injuries and dislocations
- Hip and groin injuries
- Knee pain, patellofemoral and cartilage injuries
- Ankle sprains
- Foot pain / orthotic prescription
- Muscle tears / strains, imbalances and muscle re-education
- Ligament and tendon injuries
- Posture & movement correction
- Joint stiffness and osteoarthritic / degenerative joint pain
- Pre and post surgical rehabilitation including joint replacement surgery, spinal surgery and reconstructions
- Recovery from fractures, falls and deconditioning
- Headaches and migraines
- Sporting, training and fitness related injuries and pain
- Pre and post natal conditions
- Women’s health issues
- Chronic pain and weakness
- Gait retraining
- Respiratory / chest physiotherapy
- Running injuries and problems
- Spinal and nerve injury
- Conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and other neurological disorders
- Exercise program review and design
- Prescription of assistive devices and walking aids
- Work related injuries and overuse problems
- Motor vehicle accident recovery